LpRaw TCP/IP Printing Utility Version 1.0 Copyright (C) 2019 - Alphatronics, Inc. Description Copies raw printer output to TCP/IP Printing ports. Usage LPRAW [Options] ip_address_or_hostname:port filename Options: /t:N or /T:N : Connect timeout, N in milliseconds, or seconds if less than 60. Default: 8000 (8 seconds) Examples: LpRaw C:\BinaryFiles\Bin100.lp LpRaw /t:500 localhost:9100 C:\TextFiles\Doc100.txt LpRaw ::1:9100 C:\TextFiles\Doc100.txt Exit Codes: 0 : Success. 1 : TCP/IP connection error or timeout. 2 : File not found. License This software is freely distributable and comes with no warranty. Disclaimer Alphatronics is not responsible for consequential or non-consequential damages that may result due to the use or misuse of this product. Alphatronics may, at its sole discretion, choose to no longer support this product without notice or retribution. For furthur information, contact Alphatronics, Inc. alphatronics@sprintmail.com http://www.alphatronics.com